Our Rules

Alliance rules concerning clan members:

Respect every member in alliance chat:

The alliance chat is a safe place for clan members of the alliance to chat, recruit, and trade. any derogatory remarks, name calling, and or general disrespect as in arguments either directed towards another alliance member or between members will not be Tolerated! and will result in a ban (take it to private chat, and if needed ignore the user under your own discretion “we cannot be held responsible for what happens in private messages).. This will also include controversial topics as in sexism, explicit sexual language, politics and or religious conversations, as we find in hindsight this can lead to arguments and disagreements.


with any new quest that is released it its required and enforced by ban to refrain from spoiling major parts of the quest in the alliance chat for a week since its release, this allows people who don’t have the time to be on the game (for reasons of school,work etc.) plenty of time to catch up, after given such reasonable time any spoilers cant be enforced afterwards, as alliance chat is meant to be a proactive entity of communication and nuance of discovery between different members of other clans.

No spamming random invites/ general spam/ ask for plat handouts:

The abuse of alliance chat, as in spamming the same words or sentences over and over, the use of excessive capital letters, asking for platinum with nothing in return, and going down the list of people online in the alliance and sending them invites ( without asking first). will result in a ban.

NO Raffles/ Coupon selling/non sanctioned Events.

Members and clan leaders may not open a raffle to every one in alliance chat without the permission from the alliance leader first (unknownmystery_1),

any trade outside of the in game “trade system” like coupon selling will result in a warning/ban, this will also include events with any rewards, Events with no rewards are fine, as long as the intention is to bring alliance members together. This is because of liability issues, and the alliance cannot be held responsible for scammers, this is covered more in warframes code of conduct.

Alliance rules concerning clan founders and warlords:

Activity checks due monthly:

We take pride in being one of the most active alliances in the game, this being said we only have limited spots within the alliance roster, so we require a monthly screenshot sent to the alliance leader filtered by last logged on to (psn: unknownmystery_1 ) as a check up of your leadership, you will not be kicked for having in-actives right  away, but instead will be worked with to regain your activity from leaders of the council chat, in which the chats  main focus is to either resolve problems within the alliance, or any topics that pertain to a specific clan in the alliance . Any founder or their selected representatives who fails to report an activity check will receive a strike. once a clan receives 2 strikes, the council will vote to either kick or keep the clan.

Maintaining communication and presence within the playstation council chat:

” The art of communication is the language of  leadership” -James Humes,

It is asked for every clan founder and their warlords to remain present within the council chat, here we can as a community of leaders, discus the direction and future of the alliance and help with each others clans. The council chat is also a place where every clans leaders can be contacted and has a voice and vote in alliance matters. we understand how council chat can become very hectic at some times, but ask for you to remain in council and if people get off topic show patience and promptly and respectable remind them to stay focused on topic, although it is not required to stay in council chat to remain as a clan in the alliance it is highly recommended as its been an interval part in the alliances success.

Concerning the rights of Moderators in Alliance chat

“Every mod of each clan in the alliance is held to the exact same rules as clan members (as stated above) in alliance chat. being a “mod” does not give you exempt power over others in which privilege can or should be abused.”

Kicking/Banning/warning for mods:

Moderators are expected to be the bigger person between a conflict this requires a level headed mind that is a mediator between the dichotomy of relative conceptual semantics in disputes. Given this understanding it is required to give 1 warning before a ban so we can say we are all on the same page so to speak. (As a mod in the alliance find your place above others and enforce the rules when necessary and under no circumstances do u need to explain your actions as all members on entry should be aware of the rules, doing so will only create furthermore drama)  if any doubt arises while modding make sure to take screenshots that will allow others to understand your perspective and make your case

Alliance mod privledges

“Those who have the privilege to know have the duty to act”

-Albert Einstein

It is the alliance leader who has the ability to give clans within the alliance a privilege for their  members with the rank of moderator to kick/ban people from the alliance chat, because it is a privilege and not a right it is required first that a clan leader be actively communicative with the leader of the alliance or continually shows a digression towards the betterment of the future potential of the alliance for at least 1 month at minimum.

and second,to each leader to uphold the same standards towards each moderator promoted,to the rules stated above about mods. Any disregard to the second stated rule can leave your clan with a ban on mod privileges or a permanent decry.

How clans gain mod privledge:

Privledge is here, and with privledge goes responsibility

– John f Kennedy

After the 1 month of activity as a clan in the alliance, and since not all clans in the alliance have mod privilege, it is required that the mods of each clan are over 18, have a Mic (optional), and remain in mod chat to become a clan in the alliance with mod privilege, as at this point we have no way to accurately measure maturity. It is entrusted on each clan leader to uphold these standards (as posted above in rules concerning moderators of alliance chat) on each mod they promote in they’re clan. (leaders must submit a list of all they’re mods at the moment and further mods promoted in the future to the alliance leader) any clan who fails to do so will not gain the privilege to become a moderator in the alliance chat until each mod fits those requirements